Nice piece. I’ve had this thought when debating certain people when it comes to having bold vision. Talk to someone who works in oil and gas or the government, and the idea of a future with free, limitless power where we no longer consider energy scarce (e.g. line bandwidth today) is inconceivable to them. To create, you must first believe that a better future is possible. I see too many people these days affected by a certain negativism or disillusionment with reality, whereas I feel that we are truly in the valley of culture and possibility before the next great transition.

Ultimately it boils down to whether you’re a glass half full, or glass half empty kind of person.

But it’s an infection to believe that “this is how things are and how they will be.” Nobody got to the moon either that kind of thinking.

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With* that kind of thinking

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Thanks for sharing this Mike, very interesting!

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